Sky Dome Academy

April 29, 2012

May 15, 2012 all-day
School Hall
€ 2

SkyDome Mobile Planetarium in Ireland

When you experience the SkyDome mobile planetarium the night sky will never be the same to you again. You will learn that any night object can be recognised. Once you understand the basic concepts there is no limit to how much you can learn about astronomy.

The SkyDome mobile planetarium helps children and adults alike to grasp abstract astronomical concepts. It will spark enjoyment and interest in science. The SkyDome stands out in performance, putting a full-featured planetarium within the reach of your students or members.

  • Explore the planets of the Solar System and the moons of those planets.
  • See our galaxy, the Milky Way, in all its glory.
  • Get to grips with the scale of the planets, the stars and the universe.
  • View the night sky as it appears from Ireland or any part of the world.
  • See the constellations with perfect clarity.
  • Understand astronomy concepts quickly in a visual manner.
  • Make sense of the sky that you see every night.
  • Be able to locate stars and planets in the night sky.
  • Watch the moon, planets and stars rise, traverse the sky and set in seconds rather than hours.
  • See the stars better than if you were in the darkest part of the Irish countryside with perfectly clear skies.
  • View the entire sky, not just a small section at a time.
  • See the sky facing any point on the compass and directly above your head.
  • See how the spinning Earth makes the night sky rotate above your head.
  • Learn what parts of the sky are always visible and what parts are never visible from Ireland.
  • Learn why some stars and constellations rise and set over Irish skies and others do not.