Senior Infants

Teacher’s Name: Mrs Maeve Ryder / Ms Edel Burke
Teacher’s Email: msrydermsmoran
( please note there are no spaces when typing into your email- we had to include re SPAM)

Senior Infants Weekly Plan 22nd February 2021

SI Plan of Work Monday15th Feb

SI Plan of Work Monday 8th Feb

Senior Infants Weekly Plan 1st February 2021

SI Outline of Work 25th January

SI Outline of work Week 1

SI Weekly Work plan 18th January

Senior Infants – January 11th – 15th 2021
Day Outline of Work
Monday Please log on to See-Saw and record a short video of the boys doing ‘Show and Tell’. The boys could choose their favourite toy/new toy from Santa and describe the toy in a few sentences (e.g. What type of toy it is/its’ name/what is looks like/what it does/why they like it/where they got it)
In the video, the boys could be holding the toy, or if they want to take a photo of the toy and record a few sentences to accompany the photo that is fine too. Alternatively they could draw the toy using the tools on See-Saw and write/type a short description/name.
Please use this opportunity to familiarise yourselves with See-Saw again, and explore the tools available.
If you need your See-Saw code to be sent to you again, please contact us by email.

Books can be collected at school tomorrow.

Tuesday English
Handwriting – Capital letter ‘C’
This is the first time that we have formally practiced writing the capital letters, so please emphasise to boys that the capital letter makes the exact same sound as the small letter. Please revise the name and sound of the letter C.
– Complete page 7 of ‘Just Handwriting’ small book (purple/white colour). Please draw a picture of something that starts with C at the top of the page and encourage the boys to write the name of what they’ve drawn.
– Complete page for Capital C in ‘Mrs Murphys’ blue copy.
New words – these are on the purple card in the green folder. Please cut up and practise three new words a day.
Reading Book – please read one of the Readers with the boys.
Encourage the boys to put their fingers under the words as they are reading and to try to sound out any words that they are unsure of. Parents could read each sentence with the boys first and then encourage them to read it by themselves.
Read a Shared Reading Book.
Oral Language
Rainbows Response Book – Unit 7: The Ice Rink (pages 28/29)
The vocabulary for this theme can be found on page 23 of our ‘Covid School Closure Worksheet Pack’ in green folder.

In school, we use the ‘Bua na Cainte’ programme.
The Educational Company are allowing parents access and download this programme for free during this school closure.
The Bua na Cainte digital programme can by downloaded from the following website –
When prompted for login details please use the following:
Username: edcotrial
Password: edcotrial

Senior Infants use Bua na Cainte B.
The theme we are covering at the moment is ‘Eadai’ (Clothes).
Use samples of clothes that you have at home to teach the language.
Focloir (vocabulary) – Cota (coat), hata (hat), Leine (shirt) agus geansai (jumper)
Ask the boys ‘An bhfuil ___ ort?’ (Have you a — on?)
Encourage them to answer ‘Ta/Nil —orm. (I have/have not a – on me)

Time – Seasons
(Revise the names of the four seasons – Winter, Spring , Summer and Autumn and their order)
Please complete page 55 of Cracking Maths Book

Wednesday English
Handwriting – Capital C
Complete page 21 of Just Handwriting big book.
Complete the next sentence in ‘Mrs Murphy’ green copy. The sentence should be written three times.
Please encourage boys to use correct pencil grip and letter formation when writing.
– Reading Book
– Shared Reading
– New words
Sound ‘ou’
When two vowels come together in a word, their sounds can change. Look at the picture on page of 1 of Covid School Closure Worksheet Pack and tell the boys this story –
A girl is learning to sew. She threads a needle and makes a few stitches. She brings the needle up and accidently pricks her thumb and says ‘ou’.
Action – boys should pretend their finger is a needle and stab their thumb on the other hand saying ‘ou’.
This is the sound ‘ou’ makes together.
Song – ( to the tune of The Mulberry Bush)
I pricked my thumb with a needle.
I pricked my thumb with a needle.
Ou-ou, ouch.

Try to name some words with the boys that have the ou sound in them.
Complete page 1 and 2 of Worksheet pack.
On page 2, ask the boys to draw four pictures of words with the ou sound and write the words.
Look at the picture on See-Saw of the ‘ou’ scene to help.

Bua na Cainte – Eadai – Ceacht 1
Language – briste(trousers), sciorta(sciorta), guna(dress), scairf(scarf) agus lamhainni(gloves).
An bhfuil —ort?
Ta/Nil —orm.
Explore Ceacht 1 if you have downloaded the programme.
The Music icon will lead you to the song – Cad ata sa Chofra?
We will put a copy of the words of this song on See-Saw.

Time – sequencing
Try to use the language of ordering – first/next/last.
Talk about the story of the Ugly Ducking.
Complete page 51 of Cracking Maths and page 19 of Cracking Maths School/Home Links Book

Revise the names of the seasons and complete page 26 of Explorers Book.
(see website suggestion below also)

Thursday English
Handwriting – Capital letter O
– Complete page 8 of ‘Just Handwriting’ small book (purple/white colour). Please draw a picture of something that starts with O at the top of the page and encourage the boys to write the name of what they’ve drawn.
– Complete page for Capital O in ‘Mrs Murphys’ blue copy.
– Reading Book
– Shared Reading
– New words
‘ou’ sound – revise the action, song and sound that ‘ou’ makes
Complete page 11 of the Covid Closure Worksheet Pack.
Oral Language
Rainbows Response Book – Unit 7: The Ice Rink (pages 28/29)
The vocabulary for this theme can be found on page 23 of our ‘Covid School Closure Worksheet Pack’ in green folder.
Complete page 30 of Response Book.

Time – the boys have a clock in their green folder.
Please encourage the boys to use and explore this clock. Let them take off the Velcro numbers and place them back on in the correct order. Give them guideline of where to start and encourage them to count to 12. Ask them what number comes ‘before/after/between’ other numbers.
Emphasise, model and use the language associated with time – ‘o’ clock/clock face/hands of clock/long hand/short hand)

Complete page 52 and 56 of Cracking Maths (some boys may have completed this already in school. If so please complete the relevant pages on Time in the Junior Infants Mrs Murphys Maths copy)
When completing page 52, discuss events that take place during the day, using appropriate vocabulary associated with time. Talk about activities that children do at different times of day – morning/breaktime/afternoon/evening/night.

Eadai – revise vocabulary from previous two days.
Play a game with the clothes to help reinforce the language.
Lay the clothes out on table and name them in Irish. Then ask boys to close their eyes (dun do shuile) and take an item away. Ask the boys to open their eyes (oscail do shuile) and see can they name the item (in Irish!) that you have taken away!
Repeat a few times, alternating roles!
Revise song – Cad ata sa Chofra?

Draw a winter picture.
Take a photo of your artwork and upload it to See-Saw.
(Helpful websites for Art listed below)
Friday English
Handwriting – Capital O
Complete page 22 of Just Handwriting big book.
Complete the next sentence in ‘Mrs Murphy’ green copy. The sentence should be written three times.
Revise Reading books and new words done during the week.
‘ou’ sound – revise sound, action and song.
Complete page 36 of Jolly Phonics Pupil Book 1 (white book)
Oral Language
Revise vocabulary based on The Ice Rink.
Complete page 31 of Rainbows Response Book.

Time – please use the clocks the boys have to help learn how to tell the time. In Senior Infants, it is only ‘o’clock’ that is referred to. Please complete page 57 of Cracking Maths Book.

Eadai – Revise vocabulary and song.
Complete worksheet in ‘Covid School Closure Worksheet Pack’ – page 26

‘Snowman Freeze’ song and dance video.

See-Saw Please upload three items onto See-Saw this week –
1. Video of favourite toy
2. Photo of Winter picture
3. Sample of Handwriting work
Additional Notes Here is a selection of additional websites which may assist you
throughout the week.

Please encourage the boys to be active everyday.

Cosmic Yoga

Donna Dunne Kids Fitness 10 minute get up and move activities
(on youtube/Facebook/Instagram)

Jolly Phonics ‘ou’ sound and song

Mr. Thorne Does Phonics (‘ou’)

Handwriting: Letter Formation

‘What time is it?’

Counting games

‘The Seasons Song’

artforkids hub on youtube

RTE Home School Hub
– On television every weekday at 10am on RTE 2