1st Class

Teacher’s Name: Ms Yvonne Kenny
Teacher’s Email: ykenny @stbrendansps .ie

SEN teacher support- mmulqueen @stbrendansps. ie
( please note there are no spaces when typing into your email- we had to include re SPAM)

1st class Weekly Plan 22nd February 2021

1st class Weekly Plan 15th February 2021

1st class Weekly Plan 8th February 2021

1st class Weekly Plan 1st February 2021

1st class Weekly Plan 25th January 2021

1st class Weekly Plan 18th January 2021

Weekly Plan 11th January 2021– First Class – Ms. Kenny

Dear Parent/s,
I would like to wish you and the boys a very Happy New Year. I hope you are all keeping safe and well.
Here is a plan of work for first class for the week starting the 11th January. This is just a guide; please feel free to do what you can depending on your own circumstances.
I would really appreciate it if you did not work ahead in work books. I have included some extra work sheets in the green folders if you would like your son to do some more work. Also please feel free to email me and I can add additional work to Seesaw for those that want it.
I will be putting some activities on seesaw and asking you to put some of your sons work on seesaw for me to correct. If anyone needs their seesaw password please email me and I will send it to you.
The boys are also set up on www.getepic.com. Go to the website and click on class code and enter our class code: isl2841
You can download the app Epic!
and log in using the class code.
Next click on your son’s name and there is a selection of books to read or listen to. This is something they can do daily for 10/15 minutes.
On Friday, we are hoping to have a Zoom meeting/class chat for first class. This will take place on Friday 15th at 10am. This is just a chance for boys to see each other and interact for a short time with their friends. This Friday we will ask some of the boys that would like to share their news with other boys to do so. I understand that this may not suit everyone but all are most welcome to join if they can. I will send log in details for this via email later in the week.
If anyone has any questions or needs help with anything please email me or contact me through seesaw. My email address is ykenny@stbrendansps.ie
Keep safe and try your best,
Kind regards,
Ms. Kenny

General English for the Week
Poem– January – I will send this by email, this will also be in your green folders as part of your book collection, please learn a couple of lines each day and record yourself saying the poem and send it to me on Seesaw on Friday.
Ms. Kenny’s reading group
Re- read the stories in the book ‘The Broken Sleigh’ (these should be in school bag)
New book in school collection pack – ‘The Rubbish Monster’ this week focus only on learning the new words for the first story – Sam’s Horrible Sandwiches. Write the words out on flashcards if needed. Encourage your son to read each word every day. Play bingo using the new sightwords.
Spellings learn two words each night: the, that, not, look, put, and, with, then
Ms. Mulqueen’s reading group 1
Re-read one page of the book ‘Lion in the Mud’ each day – these books will be sent home with book pack.
Spellings learn one word each night: the, that, not, look
Ms. Mulqueen’s reading group 2
Books and instructions will be included in book pack.

News – write at least 5 sentences telling me about your Christmas holidays and draw a picture to go with it – send it to me via seesaw. (you can use any paper you have at home as I know you might not have copy books until books are collected).
Reading – read a book on Epic or a book you have at home

Revise nursery rhymes based on subtraction e.g. Five Little Monkeys, Six little ducks, Five Currant buns etc. these are all on Youtube.
The boys will be introduced to the concept of subtraction using the language ‘take away’. You can explore this at home, for example you have 10 crayons. Take away 5 of them. How many are left? Start with numbers up to 10 only. Use any toys you have at home for your son to work out the answer e.g. lego, cars, blocks. Give them lots of different examples.
Practice addition using the following game:
Tables 7+
Gaeilge – An Aimsir
Each day ask the boys to write what day it is in Irish and what the weather is like and to draw a picture of the weather. On Friday send their weather chart to me via seesaw.
Inniu an ___________ Today is ________________
An Luan (Monday) An Mháirt (Tuesday) An Chéadaoin (Wednesday) An Déardaoin (Thursday) An Aoine (Friday)
Tá sé ag cur báistí – it is raining
Tá an ghrian ag taitneamh – it is sunny
Tá sé ag cur sneachta – it is snowing
Tá sé gaofar – it is windy
Tá sé scamallach – it is cloudy

Write an acrostic poem for the word Winter and draw a picture to go with it– send it in via seesaw if you wish. See picture for an example of a winter acrostic poem.

Reading – read a book on Epic or a book you have at home

Gaeilge – continue weather chart

Tables + 7
Subtraction – introduce the symbol – (take away). Use toys and write down each sum using the ‘take away’ symbol -. In school we would use a number line. Write out the numbers 1-10 on a piece of paper. Clearly demonstrate that when subtracting using a number line, we put our finger on the bigger number and jump backwards on the strip. For example, 9-4, start with your finger on 9 and count back 4 jumps. Where do you land?

Let’s Talk Literacy – Unit 9 page 46 – No Nits! – read the story with your son and then answer the questions on page 47. Upload to seesaw if you wish.
Reading – read a book on Epic or a book you have at home
Cracking maths Subtraction page 68 how many are left?
Tables 7+
Gaeilge – continue weather chart

SESE – history Explorers book page 36 – Who was Francis Beaufort?
Explore – www.met.ie
Let’s Talk Literacy – Unit 9 questions marks page 48

Reading – read a book on Epic or a book you have at home
SESE – history – Who was Anders Celsius? Page 37
Cracking maths subtraction page 69
Tables 7+
Gaeilge – continue weather chart

Zoom call at 10am – hello and news
Put 5 of this week’s spellings into sentences in your copy book.
Handwriting page 22
Reading – read a book on Epic or a book you have at home
Cracking maths page 70
Tables 7+
Gaeilge – finish weather chart and send via seesaw.

Religion: Grow in Love
Listen to the scripture reading on seesaw and then do page 24 in Grow in Love.
Art – make something out of recycled material /items in your house or make something from your lego and if you like post a photo of your art on see saw for me to see!!
If this is not possible try drawing hot chocolate cup https://www.artforkidshub.com/draw-holiday-flamemallow-together-time-youtube-kids/ again feel free to send me a picture on see saw or email it to me.
P.E. any activity that you enjoy or maybe see how many of each of the following you can do in 30 seconds: star jumps, hopping on one foot, running on the spot, squats, reaching up high and then touching your toes
Joe wicks PE on youtube