Hard to believe that January is done and dusted!!
As we face into February our midterm break is only around the bend. With this in mind we are really encouraging full attendance across the board. I was super impressed at the school assembly on the 18th January by all the boys who had full or almost full attendance. Keep up the good work. Mairead Keevey, Mr. Crofton and myself are continuously checking the roll books and keeping an eye on everyone’s attendance.
This is going to be one busy term. I urge parents to keep an eye out for the lovely ‘yellow’ notes that come home in the boy’s bags. Maths for Fun, Grandparent’s Day, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Zumba, Walking, Baking and much more will be coming your way this term. It is so important to read and reply to these notes so as no one is left disappointed. We will also be hosting an information evening in the next couple of weeks about Internet/Phone safety. Do you know what your child is doing online?! This is a fantastic presentation so WATCH THIS SPACE!!
Finally, as always, please don’t be afraid to pop in, say hello, volunteer. It is OUR school. We are always looking for your input….and with that said….I NEED A COUPLE OF FRUIT VOLUNTEERS!! You can contact me on 086 6045024 or hsclbirr@gmail.com
Kindest regards,