FUNDING for new accommodation secured FEB 2025

February 13, 2025

St. Brendan’s PS Birr : Funding announcement February 2025
The Board of Management of St Brendan’s PS are delighted to announce that funding has been secured for our additional SEN accommodation project at the school. The Department of Education has approved the project to now proceed to the construction stage under Contractor Ciaran Grogan Construction Ltd.

The Board would like to thank Minister for Education Helen McEntee and her predecessor Norma Foley for their support. We would also like to thank the Devolved Projects section staff in Department of Education capital buildings unit for their support and advice.
The Design team under architect Kenny Lyons and Associates will now plan for the 12 month build with contractor whilst ensuring that our school continues its good work on a daily basis. Our school community can look forward to the start of this exciting construction of SEN rooms and Autism classes which will enable children and staff to work in the most modern setting available and will greatly enhance the teaching and learning environments for all concerned. 

School Principal Niall Crofton expressed delight that the plans for this extension, which has been in the pipeline for the past five years, are now reaching fruition.  Adding, it will greatly enhance the facilities that the school provides for the needs of all students in the community, and the schools commitment, through its mission statement, to ensure all pupils get an opportunity to reach their potential.

Chairperson of the Board of Management Pat Teehan expressed delight at the announcement and thanked the Principal Niall Crofton and the staff for their dedication and commitment in providing an education, for so many children with additional needs whilst waiting for this new purpose built accommodation.