Jan 13:Attendance Awards

February 5, 2013

Pictured at school are the boys who received an attendance award for Term 1.

Overall 63 boys had 100% attendance so well done to the boys and their families.


Pictured at the County Arms Leisure Centre are boys from Attendance Team 5 from St. Brendans PS. Attendance teams are a new initiative to encourage boys to attend school more regularily. Teams are comprised of boys from 1st class to 6th class and the average attendance for each team is worked out on a termly basis. The winning team had average attendance of 72.5 days out of 75 days. The boys earned the reward of a swim in the County arms Leisure Centre and a snack after. Many thanks to Willie Loughnane for the support of the County Arms and to Darina for her fantastic assistance on the day. Bhain gach buachaill an-taitneamh as an turas sin.